14 December 2010
Dear Parent,
Sub:Annual Exhibition on Sunday 19.12.2010
You are cordially invited for the Annual Exhibition on Sunday, the 19th December 2010 at 6:45 pm on the school premises. Mr Meghji H. Bhadra, Treasurer, School Managing Committee has kindly consented to inaugurate the exhibition.
A)Saturday, 18th December 2010
*In order to facilitate the preparation for Annual Exhibition there will be no classes.
*Participants, School council members and Boy scouts should be in School from 7:45 am to 1:30 pm to arrange their exhibits and make other arrangements. They should come in white uniform. Other students will not come to school.
B)Sunday, 19th December 2010
*There will be no classes.
*Only participants, school council members, and boy scouts should be in school from 7:45 am to 12:30 pm to arrange their exhibits and make other arrangements. They should come in grey school uniform with black leather shoes. They will again come to school at 4:30pm and report to their teacher-in-charge.
*Scouts should come in Scouts uniform in the evening.
*Parents may park their vehicles in the open ground adjacent to the school building.
C)Monday,20th December 2010
*Students will be given a guided tour of the exhibition during school hours.
*There will be no regular classes after the guided tour.
Expecting your cooperation,
JK Arora