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24 Oct 2012

Photography Competition

                                          INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                                                                              24 October 2012
Dear Parents:

Sub: Photography Competition for classes IX & X

There will be a photography competition for the classes IX & X. The topic for the year is “PICTURES IN REFLECTION”. The participants are expected to take pictures of reflections in building windows, mirrors and bodies of water etc.
The size of the photographs should be 8” X 12”. A participant can submit maximum three photos.
A printed label with the following information should be properly pasted at the corner of the photograph. Participant’s name, GR no., Class, section and a suitable caption not exceeding 30 words. Softcopies of the photographs should be sent by email to Both printed and soft copies have to be submitted for participation in this competition. The last date is 18th November 2012. The printed copies should be submitted to the class teachers.

Mrs Sanchita Verma

22 Oct 2012

Eid Holidays

                                      INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                                                                             21 October 2012
Dear Parents,

Sub: Eid Al Adha Holidays

We are pleased to inform you that the school will remain closed from Saturday 27.10.12 to Tuesday 30.10.12 on account of Eid Al Adha holidays.The school will reopen on Wednesday, 31st October 2012.

Dr VinuKumar
Vice - Principal
For Principal