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17 Feb 2013


Procrastination and Homework
A Little Procrastination is Okay, But Too Much Can Hurt!
Do you procrastinate? Most of us put things off from time to time, like studying for a est or starting on lengthy research papers, but giving in to diversions can really hurt us in the long run.
Recognizing Procrastination
Procrastination is like a little white lie we tell ourselves. We think we’ll feel better if we do something fun, like watch a TV show, instead of studying or reading. But when we give in to the urge we always feel worse in the long run, not better.

Do you spend too much time on things that don’t matter? You may be a
procrastinator if you:
  • Feel the impulse to clean your room before you get started on a project.
  • Rewrite the first sentence or paragraph of a paper several times, repeatedly.
  • Crave a snack as soon as you sit down to study.
  • Spend too much time (days) to decide on a topic.
  • Carry books around all the time, but never open them to study.
  • Get angry if a parent asks “Have you started yet?”
You probably did relate to at least one of those situations. But don’t be hard on yourself! That means you are perfectly normal. The key to success is, don’t allow these diversion tactics to affect your grades in a bad way.
Avoiding Procrastination
How can you battle the urge to put things off? Try the following tips.
  • Recognize that a feisty little voice lives inside every one of us. He tells us it would be rewarding to play a game, eat, or watch TV when we know better.Don’t fall for it.
  • Think about the rewards of accomplishments, and put reminders around your study room. Is there a specific college you want to attend? Put the poster right over your desk.
  • Work out a reward system with your parent. There may be a concert you're dying to go to. Make a deal way ahead of time—you can go but only if you reach your goals. And stick to the deal!
  • Start with small goals if you’re facing a big assignment. Don’t get overwhelmed by the big picture. Accomplishment feels great, so set small goals first, and take it day by day. Set new goals as you go.
  • Finally, give yourself time to play! Set aside a special time to do whatever you want. Afterward, you’ll be ready to get to work!

15 Feb 2013

Strength of GOOD student

There is a proverb in English that “The more you read the more you learn.” Here reading means extensive reading. But reading only study books can never make a student knowledgeable. In order to be an ideal learner a student must walk through all branches of sharpening merit such as reading; understanding and practical application in practical field, travelling as tourist, keeping knowledge about information technology (IT), computer operation, gossiping with others, utilizing leisure time positively.
A good student has to be an ideal learner first. He should inculcate inquisitiveness in him. With the
hunger for knowledge he has to develop certain qualities in him. The essential qualities a student has to imbibe are openness, willingness, self discipline, enthusiasm, curiosity, trust, dedication, humility and selfkindness. Openness means to let every aspect of your being be open. Open your eyes, your ears, your pores and cells and heart, your brain and mind. Be willing is to try something new, go out of your comfort zone, challenge your thoughts and beliefs about the world. Absorb the teachings you need. Then apply them diligently to your own experience. Self-Discipline is an important factor that every good student must possess. Often delaying the tasks, such as writing assignments, reading text books etc may negatively impact the ability of a student to achieve the goals. Follow a disciplined routine. Enthusiasm comes from the Greek meaning, “possessed by the gods.” Let yourself be possessed by your quest for wholeness and freedom. Be willing to go out on a limb, to do things that don’t make sense, to let your journey unfold through you. Be curious about how your reactions work. Shine your laser-like attention into the heart of your habits.
Teachers come in all shapes and sizes, but the ultimate teacher is life itself. Your teacher may be your
child or an illness or loss or nature. Trust that you are getting exactly what you need for freedom. And if you follow a person who is teaching, choose wisely, then trust completely. Forget what you already know that isn’t serving you and adopt an attitude of, “I don’t know.” Recognize that your mind tries to solve problems it can’t begin to know the answer to. Empty yourself of what you
think you know, then let something new come forth, fresh in the moment. The journey to wholeness and healing can bring you all kinds of challenges. Remain connected with your true heart’s desire. Keep the fire burning. Habits run deep, so treat yourself with tough love. Be unceasingly attentive, and unendingly kind. Relax and breathe. Not resisting anything is the most loving thing you could ever do.If there is something you know you need to learn, be like a sponge. Absorb the teachings and let them filter in completely. Then, as if you are reborn, emerge – fresh, alive, and whole.

14 Feb 2013

How to get rid of EXAM STRESS

How to deal with exam stress
The thought of examination sparks off stress in many students. Some of the common reasons for this kind of stress is, the fear of not performing well in the exam. Mostly students have the desire to perform well in the exam, but not being able to revise all the needed material before the exam come under severe stress. Due to this, most students deprive themselves of the needed sleep leaving them more stressed out.
On the day of the exam, completely avoid last minute mugging and stressing. You should have a good sleep of minimum 8 hours the previous night. Do not stress yourself feeding more information to your already worked up brain. Whatever you have learned be confident of it and take some deep breaths. You have done your preparation and now you should prepare yourself to give your best. A tired mind will do no good, so it is necessary to go in the hall with a refreshed mind. You have worked hard for it and nobody can take away your hard work. What you give always comes back to you. Remember this nature's law. If you not prepared well, let your mind accept the fact. It is not possible to go unprepared and expect no stress and good results.
The first and most important is your preparation before exam is to make sure you have prepared well and know the important topics well. Before you go to the exam, eat foods that are energy producing and at the same time not too heavy on your stomach that make you sleepy in the examination hall. Never go empty stomach as you can end up concentrating more on your hunger than your exam paper. Fruits and proteins are good source of energy. Avoid intake of heavy carbohydrates like rice and potatoes which will make you sleepy. If possible carry a water bottle to the exam hall to rehydrate.
Make sure you have all the things necessary for the exam. Your stationary, your identity ticket and your watch etc.... Last minute searching for things can stress your mind further and create a panic during exam which can be disastrous.
Once you get the question paper in your hand. Read all the questions and make a quick rough plan how you are going to invest your time for doing your best. Mark the questions which you know the best and attempt them first. In this manner, you will increase your confidence further. Appreciate yourself for remembering the solutions and answers, your brain will work better. Never curse yourself if you forgot or didn't study something which you thought about studying. Remember it is too late now, your focus should be on the present moment.
It is very very important to check your answers again in the end. The last 15 minutes should be to review your paper. Recheck every answer with patience and you will be surprised to come across lot of careless faults. Make the necessary corrections.
It is a fact that, students sometimes enter into stress before, during and after exams. This is because most students fail to avoid circumstances that can create stress during exams. The mention of examinations should not send shivers down the spines of students only if they will learn to adopt the approaches mentioned in this article.

5 Feb 2013


Young students bring laurels to Indian School Sohar 
Times of Oman News Item Dated FEB 2013 Market Section Page B10
Muscat: Young Bull$ Education, a reputed institution from Mumbai doing pioneering service in the field of financial education, had conducted the International Level ‘5th YoungBull$Money Challenge 2012’ in the month of October in Indian School Sohar and in other schools in India and overseas. The competition constituted understanding the basics of handling money, various financial terms, investing options and being able to analyse their costs and benefits. ARCHANA CM of Class X bagged the first prize and won the trophy for being the highest scorer among all the schools that participated in India and overseas in the ‘5th YoungBull$ Money Challenge 2012.’The consolation prize was bagged by NITIN BHATIA of Class VIII. Indian School Sohar was awarded the Best School Award for its contribution towards spreading financial literacy and awareness among the students. All the students who participated in the ‘5th YoungBull$ Money Challenge 2012’ from the school received certificates of merit. Twelve students who secured distinctions were Syed Tariq Bilal, Archana C. M., Amey Goel, Shruti Venkat, Danica Beneliza D’silva, Sparsh Gupta, Aniruddh Panikar, Nitin Bhatia, Pranav S. Khelkar, Ark Srivastava, Lipi Sharma and Aiman Muzzamil Sayed.