27 August
Please refer
to the CBSE circular No. COORD/EC-14.01/2013 dated 08.08.2013 and note
5) It would
be mandatory for a student to appear in both the Summative Assessments in both
Classes IX & X
6) In case
of non – appearance in Summative Assessments on the grounds of illness, one
more chance to appear in the SA I may be given upto 31st October in
Class IX, For SA 2 in class IX the chance for improvement of performance be
allowed as circulated vide Diary no. CE/CBSE/ACAD/CCE/2010/April03,2010
circular no. 11 (A) within period of one month from the declaration of result.
7) In case
of non-appearance in Summative Assessments on grounds of illness, one more
chance to appear in SA 1 may be given upto 31st October in class X.
SA 2of class X be held only as per schedule given by the school / date sheet
published bu the Board in the month of March. EIOP for SA 2 in Class X be
conducted as per Rile 42(i)(b) of the Examination bye laws i.e. by the board in
July/ by the schools by July.
8) Students
would have to obtain at least 25% marks in the Summative Assessments (both SA 1
& 2) taken together) to be eligible to qualify the examination i.e. at
least 15 marks out of 60 marks and total 33% in each of the five subjects of
scholastic area, as per the present practice.
This will be
applicable w.e.f. the academic session 2013-2014 in class IX and 2014-2015 in
Class X.
Sanchita Verma