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11 Nov 2014


                                        INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                                                                            11November 2014
Dear Parents,
To strengthen academics, cover up syllabus early and to focus on studies, the annual day for senior section will not be organised this year. However, some performances from senior section will be considered during sports day celebration in January / February 2015.
In future we may have annual exhibition and annual day celebrations either alternate years and / class / section wise.

Summer vacation schedule :
1. 02.06.2015                 Tuesday       Last working day for KG- XII
2. 28.07.2015                 Tuesday       School reopens for LKG-XII

Mrs Sanchita Verma

3 Nov 2014

Feed Back

                                             INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                                                              2 November 2014
Dear Parents,
Kindly fill the feedback form and submit it on or before 4th November 2014 to the Class teacher. Your valuable suggestions are always welcome.

Mrs Sanchita Verma

1 Nov 2014

Exhibition -14

The theme "SPECTRUM 2014" was clearly justified in the exhibits and the overall MOOD of the children along with the teachers. A model of India's Mission Mars "Mangal yaan" greeted the visitors on the entrance and the lamp with with florals. Names of the subjects displayed on the entrance of each room, thus enabling to choose which room one was entering. The children and volunteers were energetic and narrating their well rehearsed script fluently.
There were some spectacular exhibits in all rooms, Particular among them were Water harvesting models, Jaws of shark, Structure of a Cell, Turtle skeleton, Working model of Seismograph, Riddles, Puzzles, Cubes, Formulae for calculating ur age, creating ILLUSIONS, CORALS, The idea of INCLUSIVE class room, Live characters straight from English Stories ( My Fair Lady, Tempest etc.) walking across, Lava breathing Volcanoes etc are only few of them.....FLOOR arts section was amazing with RANGOLI / ALPANA with grated Coconut, flowers, Rice flour,, etc......

Arts section as always had all art forms including paper plates, spoons turning them into useful things, Papier mache and a LIVE canvas artist on his work.....

Augmented Reality was a treat to watch...and new concept to most parents..
Commerce section was educational though not interactive..

 हिन्दी कक्ष में विद्यार्थियों ने अलंकारों एवं कवियों के जीवन के पल व दोहों पर आधारित पहलियों द्वारा  अभिभावकों को अचंभित कर दिया। काश कि संस्कृत का भी एक अपना कोना होता। !!!!  सभी शिक्षकों, विद्यार्थियों का परिश्रम सफल हुआ।  हार्दिक अभिनंदन, आशा है भविष्य में इस से भी उच्च  स्तर का प्रदर्शन होगा........... 

I hope next year the rooms are more spacious and the time of exhibition is stretched a little further here or there...
CHEERS for the team..

Annual EXHIBITION -2014


20 October 2014

Dear Parents,
Sub:        `SPECTRUM 2014’ – Annual Exhibition for classes VI – XII on Thursday 30th October & Friday 31st October 2014 
You are cordially invited to witness SPECTRUM 2014. Ms.JANE BICKMORE,Author & Chairperson of “Let’s Read” which is a campaign to promote love of reading for the children of Oman has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest. INAUGURATION TIME :- 4:45 pm.
Exhibition will be displayed for two days.
Date: Thursday, 30th October 2014,Time: 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm ,     Venue: New  Building Phase I
Date: Friday, 31st October 2014, Time: 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm ,            Venue: New  Building Phase I
Kindly visit on the day of your convenience.
Parking on both the days: In front of the New  Building Phase I & in the open ground opposite the New  Building Phase I. 

A) Wednesday, 29th October 2014 

·         There will be no regular classes.
·         Only participants, school cabinet members and selected boys scouts,Guides & volunteers should be in school from 7:40 am to 2:10 pm to arrange their exhibits and make other arrangements. They should come in grey school uniform with black leather shoes.
·         Students may carry their tiffin and water bottle.
·         Dispersal: 2:10 pm.                                           Note :- Regular classes for Class XII.

B) Thursday. 30th October 2014

·         There will be no regular classes.
·         Only participants, school cabinet members and selected boys scouts / volunteers should be in school from 7:40 am to 12:00 noon to arrange their exhibits and make other arrangements. They should come in grey school uniform with black leather shoes.  They will again come to school at 4:15 pm in grey school uniform with black shoes and report to their teacher-in-charge.
·         Students may carry their tiffin and water bottle.
·         Dispersal: 12:00 noon & 9:00 pm.                      Note :- Holiday for Class XII.    

C) Friday. 31st October 2014

·         Only participants, school cabinet members and selected boys scouts / volunteers should be in school from 4:00 pm in grey school uniform with black shoes and report to their teacher-in-charge.                                                                              Dispersal: 08:30 pm.
Expecting your cooperation,

Dr. Vinu Kumar                                                                                                      Sd/-
Vice Principal                                                                                                 Mrs.Sanchita Verma