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11 Nov 2012

Poblem Solving Assessment for Class IX

                                                                                                                 10 November 2012

Subject: Initiation of  Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) for Class IX in the second w.e.f. 2012-2013

Dear parents
CBSE is planning to initiate a ‘Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA) for students of Classes IX from the second term of this session 2012-13.

The features of  the ‘Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA) are as follows:-
1.It is mandatory for all students of Class IX to appear in Problem Solving Assessment (PSA).

2. There is no specific syllabus for ‘Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA). It will assess the following domains:-
  • Quantitative : which includes the reasoning seen in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • Qualitative : which includes the kinds of reasoning found in Mathematics and Science
  • Language Conventions : which includes the different aspects of written communication (e.g. grammar, vocabulary etc.)
Test Context Domain/ Item Type
No of Items
Qualitative Reasoning :
Ø      Stand alone MCQs
Ø      Passage based MCQ Set #1
Ø      Passage based MCQ Set #2


Quantitative Reasoning :
Ø      Stand alone MCQs
Ø      Passage based MCQ Set #1
Ø      Passage based MCQ Set #2


Language Conventions :
Ø      Grammar & Usage MCQa
Ø      Vocabulary in Context based MCQs
Ø      Passage completion based MCQs


3. There will be 60 items of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and carry 90 marks. Distribution of 60 items shall be as follows:

4. The items will incorporate aspects of 21st Century Skills (Creative Thinking, Decision Making, Critical Thinking, Problem Soling, and Communication) that lead to success at university studies.

5. The items in Problem Solving Assessment (CBSE-PSA) will be designed in such a way so as to improve the generic and higher order thinking skills. This will also result in improving scores within the core school subjects.

6. The Problem Solving Assessment (CBSE-PSA) will be held on 14 February 2013 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am (Oman time).

7. The Problem Solving Assessment will be counted towards FA-4 which is 10% of total assessments of Class IX. This assessment will also be carried forward towards the FA-4 in Class X. This score will be reflected in one language English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science w.e.f. the session 2012-2013 for Class IX and 2013- 14 for Class X. The same score will be reflected in FA-4 for Class IX and Class X. Usual FA 4 will be conducted in Hindi and Arabic.

8. The students will have the option to improve their PSA Score in Class X, as they can sit for the test with Class IX students of the Session 2013-2014 in January- February 2014. The best scores will be reflected in the final certificate in case of those applying for improvement.

9. The quantitative domain of the CBSE-PSA would make comparatively modest demand on mathematical knowledge.

10. There will be no separate time tables or periods for teaching or practice of  PSA in schools.

11. The Question Paper containing OMR Answer Sheet shall be supplied by the Board.

12. The examination shall be conducted in the school.

13. Candidates shall appear against their Registration No.

  • For details refer to Circular No. Acad-40/2012 dated 01.08.2012 on the academic website of the CBSE . Please download test items and format from the website and make your child prepared for the test.

  • A practice book for the test will be made available in the school store for the students within a fortnight by the school. The price of the book will be RO 2.400

Pen & Paper Tests in FA 3
The Pen &  Paper tests in Formative Assessment 3 for class IX will be conducted as per the following schedule. The maximum marks of a test in a subject will be 20. The portion for this test will be informed by the respective subject teachers. The duration of these tests will be 1 hour.

Day & Date
Saturday 01-12-2012
Monday 03-12-2012
Wednesday 05-12-2012
Social Science
Saturday 08-12-2012
Monday 10-12-2012
Hindi/ Arabic

Mrs. Sanchita Verma

4 Nov 2012

Games for Parents

                                       INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                                                                           03 November 2012
Dear Parents,

A special game is being organized for the parents on Sports Day. Interested parents may fill the form below and submit to the class teacher on or before Monday, 5th November 2012.
Participation of both mother and father is mandatory
Participants will be selected by drawing lots.

Mrs Sanchita Verma

Annual Sports Day 2012

                                        INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                                                                            03 November 2012
Dear Parents:
You are cordially invited to the 20th Annual Sports Day on Wednesday, 7th November 2012 at 3.00 p.m. at Sohar Sports Stadium. Please be seated by 2:45 p.m.
Tuesday 06.11.2012

  •  There will be no regular classes. 
  •  All participants of races, relays, March Past, Pyramids, PT display, sports dance will directly come to the Sohar Sports  Stadium by 7:45 a.m. for rehearsals and other preparations. 
  • Students will not bring books but should bring tiffin and water bottle. 
  •  Dispersal will be from Sohar Sports Stadium, Sohar at 12.05 pm for KG and 2.00pm for rest of the classes. 
  • The entry will be from Gate no. 5 & 7 of Sohar Sports Stadium.

Wednesday 07.11.2012

  • All Participants should reach Sohar Sports Stadium at 1:30pm. They should bring the costumes for their races and other respective item as instructed by the concerned teachers. 
  •  For March past, Funny races and Volunteers, the dresses will be white uniform with white P.T. shoes. 
  •  Students participating in various races should wear black shorts(boys) and black shorts/slacks (for girls) and plain T shirts of their respective house colour. 
  •  Student Council Members to come in white uniform, white PT shoes, red tie and navy blue blazers. 
The dresses should be neat and clean and ironed. The shoes should be washed and polished. All students should bring tiffin and water bottle. All participants to enter the stadium from Gate no. 5 & 7.
Looking forward to your whole hearted co-operation.
Mrs Sanchita Verma

1 Nov 2012

Power Point Presentation Competition

                               INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR

                                                                                        31 October 2012
Dear Student,
Sub: “PowerPoint Presentation Competition” for classesVIII-XI

There will be “Power Point Presentation competition” for classes VIII-XI. Interested students may choose a topic from the list given below and send their file, as attachment, to on or before Nov 03, 2012. The total number of slides should be from 8-10 and should be saved in MS –Powerpoint 2007 version only. The contents and design should be original and not taken from the internet.
*Online Education    *The Future of Computers     *Impact of Internet on children

Mrs.Sanchita Verma