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15 Dec 2013

Summer Vacation 2014

                                               INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                                                                                           5 December 2013

Dear Parents
Sub : Summer Vacation 2014

We wish to inform you that the Summer vacation for 2014-15 will be from Sunday, 15th June 2014 to Thursday, 7th August 2014 for LKG to Class XI and 19th June to Thursday, 7th August 2014 for Class XII.
The school will reopen for all classes on Sunday, 10th August 2014.
During the vacation the school office will function from 08;30 am to 2;00 pm five days a week (Sunday to Thursday)

Mrs Sanchita Verma


Amrut School said...

Amrut School is one of the oldest institutions of Ahmedabad. The schools strive to achieve peaks of excellence in the academic field as well in life itself through a large variety of curriculum and co-curriculum projects. It has a smart class for e-learning. It has an NCC training center and also provides golf training.
English Medium School In Ahmedabad

Anonymous said...

Best of luck for all student. Hope your holidays memorable and joyful.

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