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14 Nov 2011


                                                                                                                                             13th November 2011 

                                                                          CIRCULAR TO PARENTS  ALL CLASSES

Dear Parents,
Sub: Survey for Private Tuition Classes

Some parents have expressed their reservation concerning the private tuition classes held in school. We would like to clarify that these tuitions were started many years ago on the request of parents who felt that it was more convenient to them and that the school provided a secure ambience. The school did not gain any monetary or other benefits by providing the facility to parents and students. The fees were paid directly to the concerned teacher.

In order to check on this old practice the School Management Committee had conducted a survey in August 2008, vide circular no ISS/CIR/027/08-09 dated 19 August 2008, among parents, to elicit their opinion on whether or not the private tuitions in the school should continue. The survey results showed that a majority of parents who responded wanted the tuitions in the school to continue.

In the light of the recent objection by some parents, we would like to conduct a fresh survey regarding afternoon tuition classes in the school. Please note that the majority view of those who respond will be respected.  

Please place a tick [P] in the related box in the reply form expressing your choice and return the form by Saturday, 19th November 2011 to the Class Teacher of your child.

J. K. Arora

Name of the Parent: ___________________________________________________ Tel: _______________________________________

Name of the Student: _____________________________________________________, GR No. ______________ Class & Sec.: _______

Your opinion


Whether private tuition in the school should continue:     YES                          /    NO

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

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