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14 Nov 2011


                           INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR

                           CIRCULAR TO PARENTS

                                                                                           25th October 2011
Dear Parents,

We thank all parents for sending in their queries and valuable suggestions for discussion at the Parent-School Managing Committee meeting. We also thank parents who attended the Parent-SMC meeting held on 7th May 2011 at the school. We are sure that the discussions that took place at this meeting have been fruitful. Owing to paucity of time, we could not cover all the topics that were required to be discussed. However, we would want all parents to be informed of the salient queries as well as the suggestions made by the parents and the responses to these queries and suggestions from the Managing Committee. These are listed below:


1.      Textbooks for EVS

Objective of teaching EVS is observation. The child should observe his immediate surroundings and community and learn from it. Textual knowledge alone is not sufficient. Every topic that we do is related to Oman - and the child’s own surroundings. Frequent trips to post office, hospital, etc, are arranged by the school. “Learn from the environment and through the environment” is the buzzword.

2.      Weight of school bags

The subject teachers make weekly time table for their subjects so that students do not have to bring all books and notebooks every day. Parents are requested to ensure that the children carry only the required books to school and in case there is uncertainty, the teacher can be consulted and requested to be more specific.

3.      Rotation of Teachers

It was suggested that teachers should be rotated across sections. However, it was observed that the same teacher continuing with the same section of students in the next higher class helps them to know students better and vice-versa. This also helps in maintaining proper CCE records.


4.      Students’ personal hygiene

It was suggested that students’ personal hygiene and cleanliness should be checked regularly and students be rewarded for that.  It is expected that each child is neat, clean and well-behaved.  All our students in general are well-dressed and well-behaved. It is not proper to select a best dressed or most well-behaved child. The students are graded for their attitudes and values in the CCE system. If a few students don’t follow good hygiene rules, they are counselled.

5.      Toilets 

To improve the condition of toilets, new toilets have been constructed in the portacabin area during summer vacation. To ensure better cleanliness, additional cleaners have also been appointed.

6.      Water Coolers

It was suggested to install water coolers urgently in the portacabin area. It has been done and a water cooler has been installed in the portacabin area during summer vacation. Another cooler has been installed on the ground floor of the new building.

7.      Students and transport 

It was suggested that the students running to catch the bus after school should be monitored well. Teachers and prefects are on duty, yet further monitoring will be ensured. Parents too should counsel their children.



8.      Tuitions by Teachers

It was suggested by the parents that teachers should teach to the best of their ability in the class, rather than putting in their best efforts at tuitions. Teachers have been instructed accordingly and only in cases where there is a need for extra tuition, the child should be made to attend these classes. The school has offered the school premises for the tuitions so that there is better monitoring and security. Tuitions in the school were started only at the request of parents. The School does not charge any fees for offering its infrastructure for these afternoon tuitions.

It was also mentioned that the teachers should not take tuitions for the class they teach. We agree on this point and will implement it at the earliest.
9.      Completion of Syllabus

Syllabus should be completed well in advance instead of rushing at the last moment. Teachers prepare yearly, monthly and weekly breakup of syllabus and cover the syllabus accordingly. A syllabus break-up has been given to all parents. Timely completion of syllabus will be monitored and ensured.

10.   Projects

The projects given to the children are generally of their level, but sometimes parents in their over enthusiasm, instead of just helping their children, do their projects themselves which are naturally of higher level. However, the school ensures that children are given more credit for their original, simple work of their level, rather than a work done directly by parents.

A time schedule has been drawn up to ensure that several teachers do not give projects simultaneously. A time gap between different subjects will be maintained so that children are not burdened.

11.   Third Language Options

It was suggested that Sanskrit, Malayalam and French be introduced as third language besides Arabic from Class VI. While Sanskrit and Malayalam may be introduced after a feasibility study, French option is not possible due to non-availability of teachers. French was discontinued only for this reason.

12.   Practice tests for Board Exams

More practice tests, including question papers from previous years, will be given before the Board exams and teachers have been instructed accordingly.
13.   Standard of Teaching

It was pointed out that insufficient guidance is given by teachers to complete notes in time, and that notes should be dictated in classes VIII and above. We shall look into this. We may also organise a seminar on note-making for classes XI and XII. Dictating notes is very outdated, apart from it being a wrong method of teaching.  In the CCE system, children do things on their own under the guidance of teachers.

14.   Smartboards

It was suggested that smartboards should be introduced in classes for making teaching-learning more effective. It will be considered for implementation in a phased manner. Other good alternatives will also be considered.


15.   Preparation for Annual Concert / Annual Day
Some holidays, including Easter, coincided with the Annual Day and Annual Concert and another holiday was given to children after the Annual Day. Hence, regular teaching got disrupted for 9 days. We shall be more careful in future.

16.   Annual Day / Concert costumes

It was suggested that Annual Day / Concert costumes should be kept by the school and rented out to students instead of students buying the dresses themselves. Generally there are more than 50 items in the Concert and Annual Day with 20-25 students on the average in each item. The age groups of students vary and every year the items also differ. It is not practical therefore for the school to buy so many outfits each year and to arrange to store them safely. Moreover, the school ensures that the cost of dresses is not high and while deciding the costumes their utility too is kept in mind.
Parents buy these dresses themselves and the school is not involved. However, if there are any deserving children who cannot afford the dress, the school will help in such individual cases.

17.   Quality of make-up items
It was pointed out that during Annual Day and Concert cheap quality make-up items are used. Special care shall be taken to use good quality of make-up materials in future.

18.   Participation Certificates

It was suggested that students should be given participation certificates for Annual Day and Concert. From this session onwards, participation certificates for Annual Day & Concert and all important functions are being given.


19.   Trophies for 100% attendance

It was suggested that students with 100% attendance should be awarded with trophies. Presently only books and certificates are given. Trophies and medals are given for sports. In fact, no prizes are needed for 100% attendance, as all students are expected to attend the school every day.
20.   Teacher as role model

Teachers should be role models to the students and should not use inappropriate language. All the teachers will be counselled in this regard. We feel confident they will live up to your expectation.

21.   School vacations

It was suggested that the school summer vacation must include the month of August i.e. from 01 July to 31 August. As per the instructions of the Board of Directors the summer vacation for 2012 –13 will be from 26th June 2012 to 26th August 2012.

We need to have a total of 220 working days in a year and hence the winter break cannot be extended further.

22.   School Uniform

It was suggested that tie and belt with school emblem should be introduced as part of the school uniform. However due to hot weather, a tie is not suitable as a part of the uniform. Moreover, small children find it difficult to maintain. It may also be unsafe for them.

23.   School Magazine

It was suggested that a school magazine should be published. School proposes to publish one annually containing reports and photographs of activities, works of students, etc.    

24.   Parent-SMC meetings

The suggestion that meetings between Parents and SMC should be more frequent has already been accepted and more frequent meetings will be held in future. 

25.   Contact details of SMC members

Telephone numbers and e-mails / fax numbers of School Managing Committee members are being provided to all the parents and the details are enclosed below. 

26.   Parent Orientation Programmes

We have already started Parent Orientation programmes from the current session. We have already done it for KG, I, II, VI, IX, X, XI and XII. The schedule is mentioned in the school calendar.


27.   Profile of Teachers

It was suggested that teachers’ profiles should be made available to all. We agree on this and the same will be put on the school website / blog.

28.   Staff salary

It was suggested that the salaries of teachers should be raised so as to avoid taking of housewives as teachers. All teachers are selected on the basis of their qualification, training and experience by a Selection Committee and a panel of experts. The Ministry of Education also approves appointments for only those candidates who are qualified. The salary of the teachers has been revised thrice in the last two years to cover the high cost of living. Further revision is under review. However, parents need to understand that with the increase in cost of all inputs including salaries, rents, transportation, etc. it becomes imperative that the school fees also need to be revised. The school will not unilaterally raise fees but will do so only in consultation with the Board of Directors and the Ministry of Education.

29.   School Hierarchy

It was suggested that Supervisors / Coordinators should be appointed for Class III upwards. We are in the process of streamlining the entire administrative set up in the school. The proposed new structure is as follows:
1.      Principal
2.      Vice-Principal - Senior Section
3.      Vice-Principal - Junior Section
4.      Head of Administration
5.      HODs for English. Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies
6.      Supervisor for KG – I
7.      Supervisor for Class II – V

30.   Elected Parents in the Committee

In the School Management Committee there is a provision for two parent members and we have the stipulated number in the Committee. There is no practice of election of parent members in School Committees in Oman.

31.   School Accounts

The accounts of the school are audited and the same are submitted to the Board of Directors and to the Ministry of Education as required by the Bye-Laws for all Indian Schools.

32.   School Website

 An interactive website will be created by the school.
We hope that the information given clarifies the queries of parents. The School Managing Committee appreciates the suggestions given by the parents. The team effort of the Principal, the staff, the members of the School Managing Committee and the parents will ensure that the students of Indian School Sohar continue to get the best education possible.

With best regards,

Dilip Asher
School Managing Committee 


School Managing Committee (2011-2012)

(Telephone calls can be made between 6:00 pm and & 7:00 pm on
any working day Saturday through Wednesday)


Mr. Haridas Jivraj Java  President


Mr. Dilip Asher


Mr. Meghji H. Bhadra  Treasurer


Mr. Lalit H. Asher


Mr. Ajay Damani


Dr. Mahesh Mistry Member


Mr. Abraham George


Mr. Sunil K. Sharma


Mr. Kamlesh R. Shah


Mr. J. K. Arora


2011 – 2012


President – Mr. Haridas Jivraj Java
Convenor – Mr. Dilip Asher
Treasurer – Mr. Meghji H. Bhadra


a) Academic & Staff Welfare Sub-Committee

Mr. Haridas Jivraj Java
Mr. Meghji H. Bhadra – Hon. Chairman
Mr. Ajay Damani
Dr. Mahesh Mistry
Mr. Abraham George
Mr. Sunil Sharma
Mr. J.K. Arora – Principal

b) Sports & Co-curricular Activities Sub-Committee

Mr. Haridas Jivraj Java
Dr. Mahesh Mistry – Hon-Chairman
Mr. Lalit Asher
Mr. Kamlesh Shah
Mr. Abraham George
Mr. J.K. Arora – Principal

c) Infrastructure, Planning & Maintenance Sub-Committee

Mr. Haridas Jivraj Java
Mr. Ajay Damani – Hon. Chairman
Mr. Abraham George
Mr. Kamlesh Shah
Mr. Sunil Sharma
Mr. J.K. Arora - Principal

d) Finance Sub-Committee

Mr. Haridas Jivraj Java
Mr. Dilip Asher – Hon. Chairman
Mr. Meghji H. Bhadra
Mr. Lalit Asher

e) Purchase Sub-Committee

Mr. Haridas Jivraj Java
Mr. Dilip Asher – Hon. Chairman
Mr. Meghji H. Bhadra
Mr. Lalit Asher
Mr. Ajay Damani
Mr. J. K. Arora – Principal

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