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25 Sept 2010

                     INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                                        28 August 2010
Dear Parent,
Sub: Eid Greeting card making competition for classes V to VIII
This is to inform you that Eid greeting card making competition will be held on 08.09.10. Selection will be based on originality, colour combination and overall presentation of the card. Card size should be 15 cm x 10 cm. The students should prepare the card at home and submit to the class teacher on or before 8th september 2010. The students may take guidance from their parents but make the card on their own.

Name of the student, Class & section, GR no. & name of School
The above information will be given at the back of the card. Card should not be addressed to anyone and not signed by the student inside the card.

JK Arora

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