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7 May 2012

Teaching Opportunity at ISS

                                       INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                                CIRCULAR                                    6 May 2012

Dear Parents,

Sub : Teaching Opportunity at ISS

We are building up a database for recruitment of teachers. Please fill up the following details for yourself or your family members or friends if they are interested in teaching at Indian School Sohar and submit the form duly filled, at the reception counter within a week or so. Please note that this form should be filled up only for persons staying in Oman on residence visa.
Thanks and regards

JK Arora
1)Name                                               ------------------------
2)Telephone no.s (Oman only)         ------------------
3)Email                                                --------------------------
4)Educational Qualifications with subjects ----------------------
5)Teaching Experience                            -------------------------------
6)Local address                                  ----------------------------------
7)Address in India                              ------------------------------------

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