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11 Jun 2012

Water Society Art competition

                                           INDIAN SCHOOL SOHAR
                                          CIRCULAR for CLASSES VI - X
                                                                                                                 10 June 2012

Dear Parents,

Oman water society, under the auspices of Public Authority for Electricity and Water has extended its invitation to Indian schools to participate in a drawing contest for classes VI-X.
 Water conservation, Make sure that water message is clear in your drawing. Colourful, bold, bright and brilliant drawings standout.
  1. The competition is open to students of classes VI to X.
  2. Entries should be an individual effort and it should be original work.
  3. Each entry should carry the following information in English and in Block letters, at the back of the drawing
  • Name
  • Surname
  • Grade
  • School Name
  1. Entries will not be returned. The copyright of all entries will rest with Oman water society.
  2. Drawing entries will be accepted in various media including crayons, marker, paint, pencil, pastels, water colours and sketch pens. The size of each entry should be A 3 size white drawing paper. Artwork must be drawn horizontally i.e. landscape format (vertical artwork will not be accepted).
Last Date. Last date for submission of entries to Class Teacher is 20th June 2012.
JK Arora

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